
Male!Belarus x Reader : Protective

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You opened the door quickly as the cold air blew your hair in your face and you clutched your coat a bit tighter.

"Cold?" a hand wraps around your shoulders, pulling you close. You blush, letting the door to the pub slam, and push away from the warm body.

"Stop, Russia. You know I don't like you." You sigh, taking off your coat, revealing a short dress underneath, and walking to a table.

"How's it going babe?" a slithery voice rides your way and you giggle, hugging the person next to you.

"Good! and you, Prussia?"

"Alvays the vomanizer, oder?" Doitsu sighs, talking to the bouncy and hyper Italy.

"Veeeee˜  of course!" Italy squees.

You separate yourself from a blushing Prussia, and sit down next to England, who was chugging a large pepsi.

"*hic* wheresthat gitanyway?" England stumbles out, sounding a bit drunken.

"Uhh, Prussia? What's wrong with Iggy?" You look over to Prussia, questioning.
Prussia just shrugs.

"*hic* bloodyhell I think I'll lookforem..." *SLAM* face plant on table.

"wow. but, how the heck does he get drunk on pepsi?" You pat Iggy's head and sigh at his compete stupidity.

"Well, hey, I'm going for a little kareoke." Prussia grunts, stretches, and gets up, moving towards the bar.

"Kay!" You smile, and then realize that you now have no one to talk to.

Thump. You look up. A fimiliar face above you as you look up.

"oh, hello Belarus!" A blank Belarus faces yours, but as your faces became closer, you noticed a slight pink tinge around his cheeks. NAH, probably just your imagination.

"Hey, how's it going?" You smile brighter, scooching closer.

"Nothing much. You?" He replies, ever so monotone.

"Well, a bit bored, that's it, I guess." You giggle.
"ah." Belarus turns his face towards where Prussia was singing epicly on the stage, but slings an arm around your shoulder, allowing you to blush.

You two sit like that for a little while, until...

"Hey." A smiling face meet monotone as Russia knocks Belarus's arm off your shoulders, and draws you from your seat of safety.

"Russia? sorry, but I was--" you started angrily.

"Come. I need to talk to you." he interuppted you, glaring at Belarus, glaring at him.

"But--" You started again, this time glancing at Belarus, where you caught a small worried blink in his eyes.

"No. come." Russia stated clearly and dragged you outside.

of course, not without you looking back at Belarus, and he was starting to get out of his seat.


"Don't touch him." Russia turned to you, (more like let you out of his death grip) and put his hands on your shoulders, firmly.

"Don't touch ME." You struggled to get out of his grip.

"He can't have you." Russia breathed into your ear, you struggled further.

"I want you so, so, much." Russia whispered before he pressed his lips against yours.

You struggled evermore against that feeling of dread as he continued to kiss you. as he bit your neck, you shrieked, but he covered your mouth.
Russia licked lower and lower, until he was forced to unbutton the back on your dress, slowly revealing your bare back. Puffs of breath were in the cold winter air, making your face look ten times redder than it already was. A shiver ran down your spin as the cold air hit your back, and Russia took that as a green light to slam you against the pub outside wall.

"You smell so good." Russia panted out, making you whimper in fear.

At that moment, Russia was pulling down your front too, when he was suddenly lifted off of you, and thrown about some meters away. Your vision was blurred from the confusion, so you could only make out a small white ribbon on the man's body.
The man clutched you tight, shielding you from the cold, and you happily snuggled closer, not minding who it was.
"Leave." A voice growled from above you.

You heard shuffling in the snow, and then silence as Russia ran away, as fast as he could. Who had saved you?

You felt yourself be lifted up, and carried a little ways until you came to a door, which was opened, and you were brought inside a house.
Inside, the man carried you to a bed, in which he tucked you in safely.

You opened your eyes once more, revealing your saviour.

"Belarus. Thank you so much." You thanked him with tears in your eyes.

He hugged you tightly, and you returned the hug gratefully.

"I'm sorry....." He whispered, and kissed you on the lips very carefully.
he then pulled away slowly, and started to get up.

"Wait." You asked, and he turned around to see you in front of him.

"Don't think that's all I want." You giggled, and kissed him again.

Belarus smiled into the kiss, and started backing you up towards the bed, "Marry me."

Let's just say it turned into a very eventful night.  xD
dunno. requested by :iconcookiegurl5:
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